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Pink Wallpapers & Themes

4.2 ( 1792 ratings )
Unterhaltung Foto und Video
Entwickler Tenofour Tech Inc.

Download Pink wallpapers and themes for your iphone and iPad now!
Beautiful, HD modern wallpapers to expess your mood for the day. All wallpapers are hand picked and chosen by millenials for millenials in the trending shade of the decade Millenial Pink!

Themes are Custom made by artist. Unique, beautiful, original themes and wallpapers found only here!
HD quality, pixel perfect, adjusted to size for every iphone wallpapers and themes
Fun themes with 2 wallpapers in same style with unique placement for time and date.
Easy to download and view in photo gallery
App works offline too!
Share your downloads with friends and family on facebook, instagram, WhatsApp

Tired of scrolling through endless boring wallpapers with no success? Try our app now for unique, great quality selected few, chosen amazing wallpapers!
So less scrolling and more downloading fun, quirky, cute wallpapers!

How to start
1. Browse through our multiple categories of wallpapers and themes, select and open wallpaper of your choice
2. Use diamonds to unlock wallpaper
3. Press download and its saved in the photo library
Get rewarded 20 Diamonds daily!
Earn free diamonds by watching reward videos.
Cant wait? No problem! Buy diamonds from the shop and get introduced to the world of beautiful wallpapers.

Requested Access
Photo - Allow to import wallpapers of your choice and set them as lock screen/home screen